Amanahraya-Kendix REIT Manager Sdn Bhd (AKRM) is committed to promote and maintain high standard of transparency, accountability and ethics as well as good Corporate Governance practices in the workplace.
Whistle blowing is an act of voluntary disclosure/reporting to the Management of AKRM for further action of any improper conduct committed or about to be committed by an employee of AKRM.
Whistle blowing Policy is implemented to:
- Provide an avenue for all employees and members of the public to disclose any improper conduct or any action that is or could be harmful to the reputation of AKRM and/or compromise the interest of stakeholders;
- Provide proper internal reporting channel to disclose any improper or unlawful conduct in accordance with the procedures as provided for under this policy;
- Address a disclosure in an appropriate and timely manner;
- Provide protection for the whistle blower from reprisal as a direct consequence of making a disclosure and to safeguard such person’s confidentiality; and
- Treat both the whistle-blower and the alleged wrongdoer fairly.
To ensure the protection of the whistle blower under our policy, it is essential for the individual to disclose their name, NRIC number, and contact details. The disclosure/report should include pertinent information such as the identities of the person(s) involved, a detailed description of the nature of the allegation, the date and location of the incident, and any available supporting evidence.
Complete protection will be given to the whistle-blower against any unfair practice not limited to retaliation, threat or intimidation of termination/suspension of service, disciplinary action, transfer, demotion, refusal of promotion or including any direct or indirect use of authority to obstruct the whistle-blower’s rights to continue to perform his/her duties including making further disclosures.
We kindly request you to submit your disclosure/report using the provided link.
AKRM has a right to direct the disclosure to other relevant grievances channel if the disclosure does not fall under this policy.