The Audit Committee (“AC”) was formed on 9 June 2009. It operates under the delegated authority from the Board and in line with the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (Revised 2012). The AC consists of two (2) Non-Executive Directors, with one (1) Independent Directors and one (1) Non-Independent Director.
The AC operates based on a set of terms of reference outlining its scope of authority which includes:
- Reviewing all internal and external reports on the operations of AmanahRaya REIT and the Manager as well as the portfolio under management and ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations;
- Initiating investigation in respect of activities within its terms of reference and to seek for information it requires from the management and/or any employee;
- Obtaining external legal or other independent professional advice, opinion and/or reports and to secure the attendance of external parties with relevant experience and expertise as and when necessary;
- Reviewing, together with external auditors, the audit plan, scope of the audit and areas of audit for AmanahRaya REIT and the Manager;
- Discussing and highlighting any problems arising from the audit exercise and/or any other matters raised by external auditors;
- Reviewing external auditors’ letters and reports and response from the management of AKRM;
- Reviewing the audit report prepared by external auditors;
- Making appropriate recommendations to the Board on matters concerning resignations, dismissals and replacements of external auditors;
- Reviewing and reporting the adequacy of the scope, functions and resources of the internal audit function and authorizing it to carry out the audit works;
- Reviewing all financial results and financial statements and all portfolios under management of AKRM;
- Reviewing and highlighting any related-party transactions;
- Ensuring that the policy, strategy and operations of AmanahRaya REIT and the Manager are in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations; and
- Performing any other operational functions as may be agreed by the Board.
Meetings and Attendance
The AC meetings are scheduled at least once every quarter.