The Investment Committee (“IC”) was formed on 4 August 2006. It operates under the delegated authority from the Board and is represented by members from various fields including banking and property. At present, the IC has three (3) independent members.
The duties and responsibilities of the IC are outlined in its terms of reference, which include:
- Reviewing, deliberating and deciding on any investments to be made by AmanahRaya REIT as recommended by the management;
- Reviewing, assessing and deciding on the escalation of proposals relating to asset acquisition, disposal and fund raising exercises to be undertaken by AmanahRaya REIT to the Board and Trustee of AmanahRaya REIT for final approval;
- Reviewing and deliberating the following reports;
- Property Market and Outlook Report
- AmanahRaya REIT’s Performance Report
- Ensuring that AmanahRaya REIT is managed in accordance with:-
- its investment objectives;
- its Deed;
- its Prospectus;
- the REIT Guidelines and other securities laws; and
- the internal investment restrictions and policies.
- Recommending to the Board the appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives of AmanahRaya REIT in accordance with its investment policies;
- Ensuring that the selected strategies are properly and efficiently implemented by the management;
- Actively monitoring, measuring and evaluating the performance of the Manager; and
- Carrying out other duties as may be determined from time to time by the Board.
Throughout 2017, the IC met two (2) times.